Registered in UK
  Malawi Orphan Fund UK
  Charity No. 1110640

  Council for NGOs Malawi
  Registration No. C163/2003
  Cert No. 01/043
New Arrivals

The birth of a new child is an event to be celebrated. Sadly, in Malawi, this is not always possible.

Many children arrive at the orphanage as one-day-old motherless babies. Expectant mothers are often weakened by malnutrition, multiple previous pregnancies and illness (including HIV/AIDS and TB). Most women deliver at home with a traditional birth attendant. Complications often result in the mother's death.

Most Malawians live in villages and have poor access to health care. If there is a shop nearby that stocks formula milk, a day of formula costs more than the average daily salary. Unless the baby is taken to an orphanage or a woman with sufficient breast milk, the baby will die. In some cases, the new-born may be buried alive with the mother.

We believe that it is best for children to stay in their families where possible. So, if a family member can care for the baby, we invite them to the orphanage and teach them how to make up feeds and sterilise bottles, etc. When they return to the village with the child, we provide milk, clothes, and later on school fees.

Admitting a child to Home of Hope

Children are admitted only by written referral from the Village Chief, Church Minister, or District Welfare Office. This ensures the children are legitimately in need.

We encourage families to keep in contact with our orphans. When we have enough money, we send children to their home village to visit extended family during the summer school holidays.

Where children cannot stay with their families, we place them with a foster mother. Foster mothers live with about 6 younger children in family groups on-site. Usually widows from surrounding areas referred to us by the local church, foster mothers are dedicated to loving and raising the orphans as if they were their own children.