Registered in UK
  Malawi Orphan Fund UK
  Charity No. 1110640

  Council for NGOs Malawi
  Registration No. C163/2003
  Cert No. 01/043
The Preschool

Imagine a small room, thirty children and two teachers. This is pre-school, nursery 1 & 2. The children are taught lessons, but it's mostly about having fun. The aim of pre-school is to get the children ready for junior school. They spend a lot of time playing, but before they go at the end of each day, they must sit still and answer questions, asked of them in English. Each time a child gets a question right they may leave to go back to their house mothers. It usually takes at least 10 minutes for the whole class to be dismissed.

The children all wear school uniforms, washed on a Saturday by the house mothers. All children enjoy school, but as most children in the world, they are all excited about the end of school. Preschool runs from 7.30am until 10am. They have one break which entails running round the piece of land by the Junior school. It has to be said that all the children are very happy.

Mary Yonah, Preschool, age 3

Mary's story is typical of many of our children. She was brought to Home of Hope by her grandmother when she was just one day old. Her mother died in childbirth and her father died soon afterwards.

Mary's grandmother lives in Msundwa, about 60km away. She comes to visit Mary at Home of Hope about once a year.

Mary spends her holidays at Home of Hope, as no one from her extended family is able to look after her. We love having extra time to spend with her. Mary enjoys school. When she grows up, Mary would like to become a nurse.