
Malawi, like the rest of the world, has been affected by the current pandemic. Thankfully, numbers of deaths and infections are comparatively low. Official figures for Covid-19 in Malawi on 29/9/20 were 179 deaths and 5761 identified cases.

The Home was affected early on as the Government stipulated that schools must close from the 23rd March and not return after the Easter break. All children, apart from around 100 who have no surviving family or village links, went home and the majority have not yet returned. In early September 68 students in Grade 8, the last year of Primary School and 61 in Form 4, the last year of secondary school returned to resume their studies.’

MOF are continuing our work but have had to cancel all in person fundraising events and are currently meeting via Zoom. We also have had to postpone plans for visiting Home of Hope as part of our annual trustee visits. Please do get in contact if you have any questions regarding the Covid-19 situation at