Malawi Orphan Fund

Malawi Orphan Fund supports the Home of Hope childrens home in Mchinji, Malawi, which cares for over 750 children from all over Malawi, providing food, shelter and good quality education in a loving environment. Our primary means of support is through sponsorship

About us

The Malawi Orphan Fund is a UK based charity that both financially and prayerfully supports the Home of Hope childrens home, in Mchinji, Malawi.

Home of Hope supports over 750 children from across Malawi and their numbers keep on growing. According to their need, these children are given a home, nutrition as well as education and medical care for those who live on the Home of Hope site or access to education and healthcare for those who are part of the outreach programme.

Since 2018, the Home of Hope also has a Vocational Training Centre which enables children upon finishing school to gain extra skills and prepare for an independent life. Students are able to take government approved/recognised courses from the Ministry of Labour in Metal fabrication, Bricklaying, Carpentry or Tailoring + Design. Read more about Home of Hope here.

Class Photo

Find out more

Latest Newsletter

About twice a year, our supporters and sponsors receive a newsletter from the Malawi Orphan Fund, updating them on life at the Home of Hope. These also include information on sponsoring and how to stay in touch.

You can see our most recent newsletter here by clicking the image.


Latest Prayer Letter

We also send a prayer letter every few months to supporters and sponsors to inform them of prayer requests from both the Home of Hope and Malawi Orphan Fund as well as answers to prayers.

You can read our most recent prayer letter here by clicking the image.


Social Media

Keep up to date with all the latest news about Malawi Orphan Fund and Home of Hope via social media.

MOF on Instagram @malawiorphanfund

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Thank you @shinghi_the_philanthropist for sending through these wonderful photos and video of the completed staff toilets at the school! 📷 This was one of our Christmas 2019 fundraising campaigns and we are very grateful to all who supported this, particularly Christ Church Bedford. Having more staff toilets built was necessary to keep the school open due to government regulations so we’re delighted to see the progress! Whilst the school is still closed due to COVID-19, this actually enabled building to progress much quicker! 💚

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Home of Hope on Instagram @home_of_hope_malawi

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Happy weekend! Here’s some fun we’ve been having over the last week✨🧡

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